Tuesday, November 10, 2009

RA and my first day blogging

This is my first blog about RA. Not sure what to blog about but I did get up this morning. Actually, I am having a flare and trying to decide on "a plan of action". Sometimes getting up lately has been just that. I have had to make simple to do lists, and I mean simple.

My list today:
Take Medicine (most important to remember)
Eat (I can actually forget to do this when I'm all caught up in the pain)
Get Decent (lately I haven't cared to put on makeup and that's not me)
Meet Sister (we are going to spend some time together)
Pickup Son at School (his new Xbox was just delivered... homework issues later)
Make a Fabulous Dinner (if my hands are not hurting too much)
Relax (maybe play with my new camera)

Imagine the possibilities! Have a good day!